Radish Health Benefits ~
There are five main varieties of radishes.
1. The red globe variety is small, round and oval in shape. It is also called button red radish. They can have diameter of 1-4 inches. These radishes have solid and crisp flesh.
2.The black variety of radish is turnip-like in shape. These radishes have a dull black or dark brownish skin. When they are peeled, one can see the white flesh. They taste quite pungent, and are drier than other varieties. However, they have a longer shelf life compared to most radishes.
3. The Daikon variety is native to Asia, these are very large carrot shaped radishes. Daikons have white flesh which is juicy, and a bit hotter than red radish.
4. White icicles, is another variety that is long and grows up to half a foot and is tapered in shape. These radishes have a white flesh which is milder than the red variety of radishes.
5. The fifth variety is the California mammoth white. These types of radishes have oblong shaped roots, and have flesh that tastes slightly pungent. These were the kinds of radishes, now let us discuss the nutritional value of radish and the various health benefits of it.
Radish Nutritional Value
* Radishes are known for their anti bacterial and anti fungal properties.
* They belong to the cabbage family, and have vitamin C, potassium, sodium and traces of other minerals.
* Radishes are low in saturated fat and very low in cholesterol.
* They are a good source of riboflavin, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese.
* Radishes are an excellent source of dietary fiber, folate, vitamin C and potassium.
Health Benefits of Radish
*Radish are very good for the liver and stomach. It helps to detox and purify blood and thus, very helpful in jaundice. It checks the destruction of red blood cells during jaundice, by increasing the supply of fresh oxygen in the blood. Black radish is preferred more while treating jaundice.
*Radishes are rich source of roughage, which are indigestible carbohydrates. This facilitates in digestion, helps in retaining water and curing constipation, thus providing relief in piles. Also, its detoxifying power helps to get rid of piles faster.
*Radish is a diuretic, and thus helps in increasing urine production. The juice of radish helps in treating inflammation and burning feeling during urinating. Hence, is very helpful to treat urinary disorders.
*Radish are a very good source of dietary fiber, and can be helpful in natural weight loss. After eating them, one will feel full for longer.
*Being a good detoxifier and rich source of vitamin C and anthocyanins, it helps to cure many kinds of cancer, particularly cancers related to intestines, stomach, colon and kidney. For example, Daikon radish helps in inhibiting the formation of dangerous chemicals in the body. Also, red radish due to the nutrient lycopene in it is very beneficial. Lycopene can dramatically help to lower the risk of prostate cancer.
*Due to its detoxifying and anti carcinogenic properties, it is useful in treating leukoderma. Radish seeds are powdered and soaked in vinegar and then applied on white patches.
*Due to its vitamin C, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin B6 content, health benefits of radish are used in treating many skin disorders. It helps to maintain the moisture of the skin, and also disinfect many rashes.
*As radish has anti pruritic properties, it can be used as an effective treatment for insect bites, stings of bees, wasps and hornets. The juice of radish helps in reducing pain and swelling, and soothes the affected area.
*Radish juice when mixed with black salt, helps to bring the body temperature down.
*Radish is an anti congestive, and helps in treating many respiratory system related problems. It is also rich in vitamins and a good disinfectant, hence, health benefits of radish are used in protecting the respiratory system from many infections.
Source: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/radish-health-benefits.html
DIY Raw Organic Almond, Raw Hemp Milk, Coconut, & Rice Milks ~
I’ve always been a big fan of almond, coconut & rice milks. It’s a good source of nutrition with vitamins and minerals, an excellent alternative for vegans and for those who suffer from lactose intolerance and from soy allergies. Each has it’s own distinct flavors and properties. You can customizing your milks to your own personal palate, you may add natural flavors/sweeteners that will enhance the taste. All milks (organic raw almonds, raw hemp milk, coconut, rice), can be used for smoothies, shakes, coffee, tea, cereals, and in most anything you use regular milk for. ~It’s a good alternative from Cow’s MILK – American dairy milk is genetically-modified unless it’s labeled “NO rBGH”! Correction, it still would be GM even without No rBGH, because our cows (in the U.S.) are fed GM crops of corn and soy! Genetically-engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in milk and dairy cows fed with GM corn/soy, increases cancer risks.~
Raw Hemp Milk Recipe & facts ~ http://ybertaud9.wordpress.com/2012/04/18/raw-hemp-milk-recipe-facts/
DIY Raw Organic Almond, Coconut, & Rice Milks ~ http://ybertaud9.wordpress.com/2012/01/17/diy-raw-organic-almond-coconut-rice-milks/
There are five main varieties of radishes.
1. The red globe variety is small, round and oval in shape. It is also called button red radish. They can have diameter of 1-4 inches. These radishes have solid and crisp flesh.
2.The black variety of radish is turnip-like in shape. These radishes have a dull black or dark brownish skin. When they are peeled, one can see the white flesh. They taste quite pungent, and are drier than other varieties. However, they have a longer shelf life compared to most radishes.
3. The Daikon variety is native to Asia, these are very large carrot shaped radishes. Daikons have white flesh which is juicy, and a bit hotter than red radish.
4. White icicles, is another variety that is long and grows up to half a foot and is tapered in shape. These radishes have a white flesh which is milder than the red variety of radishes.
5. The fifth variety is the California mammoth white. These types of radishes have oblong shaped roots, and have flesh that tastes slightly pungent. These were the kinds of radishes, now let us discuss the nutritional value of radish and the various health benefits of it.
Radish Nutritional Value
* Radishes are known for their anti bacterial and anti fungal properties.
* They belong to the cabbage family, and have vitamin C, potassium, sodium and traces of other minerals.
* Radishes are low in saturated fat and very low in cholesterol.
* They are a good source of riboflavin, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese.
* Radishes are an excellent source of dietary fiber, folate, vitamin C and potassium.
Health Benefits of Radish
*Radish are very good for the liver and stomach. It helps to detox and purify blood and thus, very helpful in jaundice. It checks the destruction of red blood cells during jaundice, by increasing the supply of fresh oxygen in the blood. Black radish is preferred more while treating jaundice.
*Radishes are rich source of roughage, which are indigestible carbohydrates. This facilitates in digestion, helps in retaining water and curing constipation, thus providing relief in piles. Also, its detoxifying power helps to get rid of piles faster.
*Radish is a diuretic, and thus helps in increasing urine production. The juice of radish helps in treating inflammation and burning feeling during urinating. Hence, is very helpful to treat urinary disorders.
*Radish are a very good source of dietary fiber, and can be helpful in natural weight loss. After eating them, one will feel full for longer.
*Being a good detoxifier and rich source of vitamin C and anthocyanins, it helps to cure many kinds of cancer, particularly cancers related to intestines, stomach, colon and kidney. For example, Daikon radish helps in inhibiting the formation of dangerous chemicals in the body. Also, red radish due to the nutrient lycopene in it is very beneficial. Lycopene can dramatically help to lower the risk of prostate cancer.
*Due to its detoxifying and anti carcinogenic properties, it is useful in treating leukoderma. Radish seeds are powdered and soaked in vinegar and then applied on white patches.
*Due to its vitamin C, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin B6 content, health benefits of radish are used in treating many skin disorders. It helps to maintain the moisture of the skin, and also disinfect many rashes.
*As radish has anti pruritic properties, it can be used as an effective treatment for insect bites, stings of bees, wasps and hornets. The juice of radish helps in reducing pain and swelling, and soothes the affected area.
*Radish juice when mixed with black salt, helps to bring the body temperature down.
*Radish is an anti congestive, and helps in treating many respiratory system related problems. It is also rich in vitamins and a good disinfectant, hence, health benefits of radish are used in protecting the respiratory system from many infections.
Source: http://www.buzzle.com/
DIY Raw Organic Almond, Raw Hemp Milk, Coconut, & Rice Milks ~
I’ve always been a big fan of almond, coconut & rice milks. It’s a good source of nutrition with vitamins and minerals, an excellent alternative for vegans and for those who suffer from lactose intolerance and from soy allergies. Each has it’s own distinct flavors and properties. You can customizing your milks to your own personal palate, you may add natural flavors/sweeteners that will enhance the taste. All milks (organic raw almonds, raw hemp milk, coconut, rice), can be used for smoothies, shakes, coffee, tea, cereals, and in most anything you use regular milk for. ~It’s a good alternative from Cow’s MILK – American dairy milk is genetically-modified unless it’s labeled “NO rBGH”! Correction, it still would be GM even without No rBGH, because our cows (in the U.S.) are fed GM crops of corn and soy! Genetically-engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in milk and dairy cows fed with GM corn/soy, increases cancer risks.~
Raw Hemp Milk Recipe & facts ~ http://
DIY Raw Organic Almond, Coconut, & Rice Milks ~ http://
Health Benefits of Thyme ~
Thyme has cancer preventive properties; containing terpenoids like rosmarinic and ursolic acids. (Regular consumption of thyme has been shown to increase the amount of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid) in brain, kidney, and heart cell membranes).
Thyme’s essential oils have expectorant and bronchial antispasmodic properties treating…
acute and chronic bronchitis
sore throats
treats inflammation of the mouth
throat infections
prevent gingivitis
Thyme alleviate gastrointestinal problems…
chronic gastritis
lack of appetite
irritable bowel
helps removes parasites in the gastrointestinal tract
Thyme tea helps to dissolve and remove mucus from the intestinal tract
Helps in treating…
Alzheimer’s disease
skin diseases
muscle cramps
As a tonic, thyme is believed to stimulate the nervous system alleviating…
nervous disorders
nervous exhaustion
Thyme acts as a memory booster and helps you concentrate.
Externally applied, the health benefits of thyme have been used to help treat…
dental decay
wounds and bruises
effective in destroying skin parasites, such as scabies, crabs and lice.
Read more... For the Love of Thyme (benefits & uses) ~ http://ybertaud9.wordpress.com/2012/05/02/for-the-love-of-thyme-benefits-uses/
Thyme has cancer preventive properties; containing terpenoids like rosmarinic and ursolic acids. (Regular consumption of thyme has been shown to increase the amount of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid) in brain, kidney, and heart cell membranes).
Thyme’s essential oils have expectorant and bronchial antispasmodic properties treating…
acute and chronic bronchitis
sore throats
treats inflammation of the mouth
throat infections
prevent gingivitis
Thyme alleviate gastrointestinal problems…
chronic gastritis
lack of appetite
irritable bowel
helps removes parasites in the gastrointestinal tract
Thyme tea helps to dissolve and remove mucus from the intestinal tract
Helps in treating…
Alzheimer’s disease
skin diseases
muscle cramps
As a tonic, thyme is believed to stimulate the nervous system alleviating…
nervous disorders
nervous exhaustion
Thyme acts as a memory booster and helps you concentrate.
Externally applied, the health benefits of thyme have been used to help treat…
dental decay
wounds and bruises
effective in destroying skin parasites, such as scabies, crabs and lice.
Read more... For the Love of Thyme (benefits & uses) ~ http://
Foods High in Zinc ~
Zinc is an important antioxidant, if you want your immune system to be in tip-top form stock up on foods containing zinc.
It’s essential for healthy happy skin, it’s needed for new generation of cells, It helps regulate hormone balance and oil glands, so it’s very efficient in treating both acne and dry skin.
Zinc is good for stretch marks, eczema and to speed up wound healing. Growing kids and teenagers need it for growth and it also helps with sugar regulation and fertility and for the uptake of vitamin A, and if you are stressed your need for zinc increases.
If you always pick up colds, check your zinc levels.
White spots on the nails can also be a sign of zinc deficiency.
Stocked up on zinc bursting food like oysters, seafood, calf liver, lentils, pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, wheat germ and raw cacao...
Pumpkin seeds
Not only are they extremely high in zinc, pumpkin seeds also play a role in the prevention of prostate cancer. Pumpkin seeds also support general immune system health. For maximum zinc-intake, the seeds can be taken raw, as roasting them can deplete zinc intake.
Dark Chocolate
The occasional indulgence in a square of dark chocolate may offer you an extra boost to your zinc levels. One hundred grams of unsweetened dark chocolate has up to 9.6mg of zinc. Cocoa powder has 6.8mg.
This pungent bulb offers moderate levels of naturally occurring zinc, and is easy to incorporate into most any main course meal preparation. Besides from being high in zinc, garlic is also a great food for detox that contains high levels of manganese, vitamin b6, vitamin c and selenium.
Sesame Seeds
Whether raw, toasted or ground into tahini butter, sesame seeds hold around 10mg of zinc per 100g serving. Try incorporating more hummus (a tahini-butter-based Middle Eastern dip) into your diet, or even consider replacing wheat flour with sesame seed flour in your next baked goods or breads.
It may seem strange, but try raw, dried or roasted seeds after eating your next summer watermelon. Popular in Eastern Asia, dried watermelon seeds have 10mg of zinc per 100g serving.
An excellent additive to sprinkle on your salad, toasted wheat germ offers 17mg of zinc per 100g serving. This is over 100% of the recommended daily allowance.
Butternut Squash
Another popular Middle Eastern seed, squash seeds hold around 10mg of zinc per 100g serving. You can remove the seeds directly from the squash eat them raw, dried or roast them in your oven. I personally prefer to eat them raw.
A 7 ounce serving contains about 2.8mg of zinc. They also contain folate and are high in protein and dietary fiber.
Source: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/foods-high-in-zinc/
Zinc is an important antioxidant, if you want your immune system to be in tip-top form stock up on foods containing zinc.
It’s essential for healthy happy skin, it’s needed for new generation of cells, It helps regulate hormone balance and oil glands, so it’s very efficient in treating both acne and dry skin.
Zinc is good for stretch marks, eczema and to speed up wound healing. Growing kids and teenagers need it for growth and it also helps with sugar regulation and fertility and for the uptake of vitamin A, and if you are stressed your need for zinc increases.
If you always pick up colds, check your zinc levels.
White spots on the nails can also be a sign of zinc deficiency.
Stocked up on zinc bursting food like oysters, seafood, calf liver, lentils, pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, wheat germ and raw cacao...
Pumpkin seeds
Not only are they extremely high in zinc, pumpkin seeds also play a role in the prevention of prostate cancer. Pumpkin seeds also support general immune system health. For maximum zinc-intake, the seeds can be taken raw, as roasting them can deplete zinc intake.
Dark Chocolate
The occasional indulgence in a square of dark chocolate may offer you an extra boost to your zinc levels. One hundred grams of unsweetened dark chocolate has up to 9.6mg of zinc. Cocoa powder has 6.8mg.
This pungent bulb offers moderate levels of naturally occurring zinc, and is easy to incorporate into most any main course meal preparation. Besides from being high in zinc, garlic is also a great food for detox that contains high levels of manganese, vitamin b6, vitamin c and selenium.
Sesame Seeds
Whether raw, toasted or ground into tahini butter, sesame seeds hold around 10mg of zinc per 100g serving. Try incorporating more hummus (a tahini-butter-based Middle Eastern dip) into your diet, or even consider replacing wheat flour with sesame seed flour in your next baked goods or breads.
It may seem strange, but try raw, dried or roasted seeds after eating your next summer watermelon. Popular in Eastern Asia, dried watermelon seeds have 10mg of zinc per 100g serving.
An excellent additive to sprinkle on your salad, toasted wheat germ offers 17mg of zinc per 100g serving. This is over 100% of the recommended daily allowance.
Butternut Squash
Another popular Middle Eastern seed, squash seeds hold around 10mg of zinc per 100g serving. You can remove the seeds directly from the squash eat them raw, dried or roast them in your oven. I personally prefer to eat them raw.
A 7 ounce serving contains about 2.8mg of zinc. They also contain folate and are high in protein and dietary fiber.
Source: http://
Top 10 herbs and spices for strengthening your immune system ~
Foods that boost the body's immune system can offer a lot of healthy options for those who wish to be more conscious in what they take in. To be sustained, the immune system heavily depends on the stomach for support. Malnourished individuals are more susceptible to disease as opposed to those who observe a healthy nutritious diet. Below are some of these examples:
1. Echinacea - Echinacea is a popular herb that has been identified to boost immunity. Combined with goldenseal, another herb, or enjoyed alone as tea, this member of the daisy family has been found to prevent and treat upper respiratory tract infections as well as the common cold.
2. Ginseng - This herb has many varieties. The most commonly studied variety is Panax ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng. Its main active component, ginsenosides, has been proven to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Clinical research studies have demonstrated that it may improve immune and psychological functions as well as conditions related to diabetes.
3. Garlic - This spice has had a long history of medicinal value. In a recent study conducted by Dr. Ellen Tattelman, an assistant professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, New York, it was reconfirmed that garlic indeed has cardiovascular, anti-microbial and antineoplastic properties. It's also a perfect spice to use when doing sauteed dishes.
4. Bell peppers- This pepper variety does not contain capsaicin, unlike its other feisty cousins. On the contrary, it is sweet and crunchy and contains the carotenoid lycopene which lowers the risk of cancer; beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A; and Zeaxanthin, known to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.
5. Ginger - This herb has been shown to reduce inflammation, cardiovascular conditions, blood clots and cholesterol. In a study, researchers found that animal subjects given ginger extracts had a significant reduction in cholesterol and blood clotting qualities. Moreover, it has been observed to inhibit the behavior of genes connected with inflammation.
6. Turmeric- This spice contains curcumin, which has notable antioxidant properties. It also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and stomach soothing benefits. It reduces inflammation by stimulating the adrenal glands to increase the hormone that lessens inflammation. Animal studies on this herb have revealed that turmeric protects the liver from the adverse effects of alcohol and certain toxins. Turmeric also helps in digestive problems by stimulating bile flow.
7. Gingko Biloba- Gingko biloba's leaves contain antioxidant compounds called bilobalides and ginkgolides that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Moreover, it has also been found to protect against radiation. In a study using animal subjects, ginkgo was demonstrated to have protected the test subjects against radiation poisoning. The latest research also suggests that extracts of this herb can neutralize oxidizing agents and free radicals caused in the cells due to radiation, thus preventing cell death. In fact, NaturalNews recently reported that ginkgo extracts reduce brain damage by up to 50 percent.
8. Ganoderma- This is a bitter mushroom also known as reishi. It has long been a popular herb in Chinese medicine attributed to assisting in longevity and health. Further studies on this oriental herb reveal that it strengthens immunity and combats cancer. Moreover, it has antioxidant properties and provides relief from urinary tract infections.
9. Astralagus - Also from China, this herb stimulates the immune system and aids in digestion and adrenal gland functions. It is also a diuretic. The effectiveness of this herb is due to polysaccharides, saponins and flavonoids. It has also been taken to combat the common cold and flu. Its digestive health benefits demonstrate the lowering of stomach acidity, resulting to an increase in the body's metabolic rates and the promotion of waste elimination.
10. Cat's claw - This herb from Peru is commonly used for stomach problems. Recently, however, it is becoming known as an exceptional immune response stimulator that helps the body to fight off infections and degenerative diseases. It contains oxindole alkaloids enhancing the immune system's capacity to engulf and destroy pathogens.
From a practical perspective, taking in food which boosts the immune system while enjoying it at the same time can be a cost effective way to maintain health. Coupled with a healthy lifestyle, sufficient rest and a positive outlook in life, staying healthy does not have to cost an arm and a leg.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035530_immune_system_herbs_spices.html#ixzz1roHmw15N
Foods that boost the body's immune system can offer a lot of healthy options for those who wish to be more conscious in what they take in. To be sustained, the immune system heavily depends on the stomach for support. Malnourished individuals are more susceptible to disease as opposed to those who observe a healthy nutritious diet. Below are some of these examples:
1. Echinacea - Echinacea is a popular herb that has been identified to boost immunity. Combined with goldenseal, another herb, or enjoyed alone as tea, this member of the daisy family has been found to prevent and treat upper respiratory tract infections as well as the common cold.
2. Ginseng - This herb has many varieties. The most commonly studied variety is Panax ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng. Its main active component, ginsenosides, has been proven to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Clinical research studies have demonstrated that it may improve immune and psychological functions as well as conditions related to diabetes.
3. Garlic - This spice has had a long history of medicinal value. In a recent study conducted by Dr. Ellen Tattelman, an assistant professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, New York, it was reconfirmed that garlic indeed has cardiovascular, anti-microbial and antineoplastic properties. It's also a perfect spice to use when doing sauteed dishes.
4. Bell peppers- This pepper variety does not contain capsaicin, unlike its other feisty cousins. On the contrary, it is sweet and crunchy and contains the carotenoid lycopene which lowers the risk of cancer; beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A; and Zeaxanthin, known to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.
5. Ginger - This herb has been shown to reduce inflammation, cardiovascular conditions, blood clots and cholesterol. In a study, researchers found that animal subjects given ginger extracts had a significant reduction in cholesterol and blood clotting qualities. Moreover, it has been observed to inhibit the behavior of genes connected with inflammation.
6. Turmeric- This spice contains curcumin, which has notable antioxidant properties. It also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and stomach soothing benefits. It reduces inflammation by stimulating the adrenal glands to increase the hormone that lessens inflammation. Animal studies on this herb have revealed that turmeric protects the liver from the adverse effects of alcohol and certain toxins. Turmeric also helps in digestive problems by stimulating bile flow.
7. Gingko Biloba- Gingko biloba's leaves contain antioxidant compounds called bilobalides and ginkgolides that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Moreover, it has also been found to protect against radiation. In a study using animal subjects, ginkgo was demonstrated to have protected the test subjects against radiation poisoning. The latest research also suggests that extracts of this herb can neutralize oxidizing agents and free radicals caused in the cells due to radiation, thus preventing cell death. In fact, NaturalNews recently reported that ginkgo extracts reduce brain damage by up to 50 percent.
8. Ganoderma- This is a bitter mushroom also known as reishi. It has long been a popular herb in Chinese medicine attributed to assisting in longevity and health. Further studies on this oriental herb reveal that it strengthens immunity and combats cancer. Moreover, it has antioxidant properties and provides relief from urinary tract infections.
9. Astralagus - Also from China, this herb stimulates the immune system and aids in digestion and adrenal gland functions. It is also a diuretic. The effectiveness of this herb is due to polysaccharides, saponins and flavonoids. It has also been taken to combat the common cold and flu. Its digestive health benefits demonstrate the lowering of stomach acidity, resulting to an increase in the body's metabolic rates and the promotion of waste elimination.
10. Cat's claw - This herb from Peru is commonly used for stomach problems. Recently, however, it is becoming known as an exceptional immune response stimulator that helps the body to fight off infections and degenerative diseases. It contains oxindole alkaloids enhancing the immune system's capacity to engulf and destroy pathogens.
From a practical perspective, taking in food which boosts the immune system while enjoying it at the same time can be a cost effective way to maintain health. Coupled with a healthy lifestyle, sufficient rest and a positive outlook in life, staying healthy does not have to cost an arm and a leg.
Learn more: http://
ORGANIC ASPARAGUS | Contains healthy levels of
inulin, which feeds friendly bacteria (flora) in the large intestine.
This helps prevent yeast overgrowth and can be helpful to rebuild flora
after taking antibiotics, in addition to probiotics. Asparagus
alleviates depression and encourages good moods! Asparagus stimulates
milk production in nursing mothers, lowers cholesterol, is an
anti-cancer agent, lowers blood pressure, helps with inflammation,
alkalizes the body, increases libido & stimulates hair production.
Boost your health a hundred-fold and enjoy asparagus on a regular basis!
| PUMPKIN SEEDS VS. BEEF | Pumpkin Seeds have 24.54 grams of protein |
Beef has 26.55 grams of protein | Those who have stopped (or never had
been) eating beef can get, gram for gram, practically the same amount of
protein with pumpkin seeds as this notoriously known protein-rich meat,
less all of the gmo feed, drugs, & hormones injected into these
creatures that are raised for years & slaughtered
simply for one simple meal that is easily forgotten. 1/2 a cup of
pumpkin seeds provides you with 92% of your RDA of magnesium (America's
#1 mineral deficiency, which is responsible for over 300 known bodily
processes). Pumpkin seeds: are high in zinc (which battles
osteoporosis); lower depression (due to l-tryptophan within, which is
the precursor to serotonin); and are immensely rich in an array of
vitamins & minerals. The next time your doctor recommends that you
eat artery-clogging meat for protein, know that you have a true
alternative that spares you of much upcoming pain & bodily conflict.
Pumpkin seeds actually lower cholesterol, instead of raising it. It's
quite unfortunate that the American Medical Association doesn't teach
these poor doctors this information. It really could change a lot of
people's lives for the better and also spare them thousands and
thousands of dollars in medical expenses in the long run when they
recommend eating meat for protein, which has been proven time and time
again to cause heart disease. These protein comparisons come from a 100g
serving of both items. | Organic, unprocessed pumpkin seeds found at
your local health store (or online) can be added / blended to smoothies,
casseroles, sprinkled on salads, topped in yogurt, added to oatmeal,
eaten by themselves, and any other way your appetite can imagine. |
SHARE, SHARE, SHARE THIS INFO!!!! | Pumpkin seeds are a far healthier
& equal source of protein compared to beef. Pick up a nice supply at
your local health store and enjoy the MANY benefits they offer us!
Here are 20 reasons to add
turmeric to your diet:
1. It is a natural antiseptic
and antibacterial agent,
useful in disinfecting cuts
and burns.
2. When combined with
cauliflower, it has shown
to prevent prostate cancer
and stop the growth of
existing prostate cancer.
3. Prevented breast cancer
from spreading to the
lungs in mice.
4. May prevent melanoma
and cause existing
melanoma cells to commit
5. Reduces the risk of
childhood leukemia.
6. Is a natural liver
7. May prevent and slow
the progression of
Alzheimer's disease by
removing amyloyd plaque
buildup in the brain.
8. May prevent metastases
from occurring in many
different forms of cancer.
9. It is a potent natural
anti-inflammatory that
works as well as many
anti-inflammatory drugs
but without the side
10. Has shown promise in
slowing the progression of
multiple sclerosis in mice.
11. Is a natural painkiller
and cox-2 inhibitor.
12. May aid in fat
metabolism and help in
weight management.
13. Has long been used in
Chinese medicine as a
treatment for depression.
14. Because of its anti-
inflammatory properties,
it is a natural treatment
for arthritis and
rheumatoid arthritis.
15. Boosts the effects of
chemo drug paclitaxel and
reduces its side effects.
16. Promising studies are
underway on the effects of
turmeric on pancreatic
17. Studies are ongoing in
the positive effects of
turmeric on multiple
18. Has been shown to
stop the growth of new
blood vessels in tumors.
19. Speeds up wound
healing and assists in
remodeling of damaged
20. May help in the
treatment of psoriasis and
other inflammatory skin
Turmeric can be taken in
powder or pill form. It is
available in pill form in
most health food stores,
usually in 250-500mg
Here are 20 reasons to add
turmeric to your diet:
1. It is a natural antiseptic
and antibacterial agent,
useful in disinfecting cuts
and burns.
2. When combined with
cauliflower, it has shown
to prevent prostate cancer
and stop the growth of
existing prostate cancer.
3. Prevented breast cancer
from spreading to the
lungs in mice.
4. May prevent melanoma
and cause existing
melanoma cells to commit
5. Reduces the risk of
childhood leukemia.
6. Is a natural liver
7. May prevent and slow
the progression of
Alzheimer's disease by
removing amyloyd plaque
buildup in the brain.
8. May prevent metastases
from occurring in many
different forms of cancer.
9. It is a potent natural
anti-inflammatory that
works as well as many
anti-inflammatory drugs
but without the side
10. Has shown promise in
slowing the progression of
multiple sclerosis in mice.
11. Is a natural painkiller
and cox-2 inhibitor.
12. May aid in fat
metabolism and help in
weight management.
13. Has long been used in
Chinese medicine as a
treatment for depression.
14. Because of its anti-
inflammatory properties,
it is a natural treatment
for arthritis and
rheumatoid arthritis.
15. Boosts the effects of
chemo drug paclitaxel and
reduces its side effects.
16. Promising studies are
underway on the effects of
turmeric on pancreatic
17. Studies are ongoing in
the positive effects of
turmeric on multiple
18. Has been shown to
stop the growth of new
blood vessels in tumors.
19. Speeds up wound
healing and assists in
remodeling of damaged
20. May help in the
treatment of psoriasis and
other inflammatory skin
Turmeric can be taken in
powder or pill form. It is
available in pill form in
most health food stores,
usually in 250-500mg
Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this?
It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley (MALLI Leaves) KOTHIMBIR (DHANIYA)and wash it clean
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.
Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.
Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!
Hope you will forward this to all your loved ones
Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this?
It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley (MALLI Leaves) KOTHIMBIR (DHANIYA)and wash it clean
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.
Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.
Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!
Hope you will forward this to all your loved ones
Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for many ailments for centuries. Now, science is catching up and researchers around the world are finding that ginger works wonders in the treatment of everything from cancer to migraines. Here are ten health benefits of this powerful herb.
Health Benefits
Ovarian Cancer Treatment
Ginger may be powerful weapon in the treatment of ovarian cancer. A study conducted at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found that ginger powder induces cell death in all ovarian cancer cells to which it was applied.
Colon Cancer Prevention
A study at the University of Minnesota found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.
Morning Sickness
A review of several studies has concluded that ginger is just as effective as vitamin B6 in the treatment of morning sickness.
Motion Sickness Remedy
Ginger has been shown to be an effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness.
Reduces Pain and Inflammation
One study showed that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and is a powerful natural painkiller.
Heartburn Relief
Ginger has long been used as a natural heartburn remedy. It is most often taken in the form of tea for this purpose.
Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment Ginger has long been used as a natural treatment for colds and the flu. Many people also find ginger to be helpful in the case of stomach flus or food poisoning, which is not surprising given the positive effects ginger has upon the digestive tract.
Migraine Relief
Research has shown that ginger may provide migraine relief due to its ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.
Menstrual Cramp Relief
In Chinese medicine, ginger tea with brown sugar is used in the treatment of menstrual cramps.
Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy
A study done on diabetic rats found that those rats given ginger had a reduced incidence of diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage).
Skin Benefits
It is a precious treasure of strength and energy. In winter it is use in tea, sauce and food.
It is used in constipation, gas, vomiting, cough, phlegm, colds, etc.
Prepare ginger juice and mix some honey, it is beneficial for tuberculosis.
Ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells according to university of Minnesota.
In problem of hiccup, take a piece of ginger and sucking. It is effective home remedy for hiccup.
Prepare fresh ginger juice and drink, it prevents urological diseases.
Prepare ginger juice and lemon juice and mix it. Apply this mixture on face and wash after 20 min. your skin will become fair.
Ginger rich in vitamin B6, it is effective in the treatment of morning sickness.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and is a powerful natural painkiller. It Reduces Pain and Inflammation.
Ginger is an effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness.
Ginger may provide migraine relief due to its ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.
Ginger has long been used as a home remedy for colds and the flu.
Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for many ailments for centuries. Now, science is catching up and researchers around the world are finding that ginger works wonders in the treatment of everything from cancer to migraines. Here are ten health benefits of this powerful herb.
Health Benefits
Ovarian Cancer Treatment
Ginger may be powerful weapon in the treatment of ovarian cancer. A study conducted at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found that ginger powder induces cell death in all ovarian cancer cells to which it was applied.
Colon Cancer Prevention
A study at the University of Minnesota found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.
Morning Sickness
A review of several studies has concluded that ginger is just as effective as vitamin B6 in the treatment of morning sickness.
Motion Sickness Remedy
Ginger has been shown to be an effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness.
Reduces Pain and Inflammation
One study showed that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and is a powerful natural painkiller.
Heartburn Relief
Ginger has long been used as a natural heartburn remedy. It is most often taken in the form of tea for this purpose.
Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment Ginger has long been used as a natural treatment for colds and the flu. Many people also find ginger to be helpful in the case of stomach flus or food poisoning, which is not surprising given the positive effects ginger has upon the digestive tract.
Migraine Relief
Research has shown that ginger may provide migraine relief due to its ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.
Menstrual Cramp Relief
In Chinese medicine, ginger tea with brown sugar is used in the treatment of menstrual cramps.
Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy
A study done on diabetic rats found that those rats given ginger had a reduced incidence of diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage).
Skin Benefits
It is a precious treasure of strength and energy. In winter it is use in tea, sauce and food.
It is used in constipation, gas, vomiting, cough, phlegm, colds, etc.
Prepare ginger juice and mix some honey, it is beneficial for tuberculosis.
Ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells according to university of Minnesota.
In problem of hiccup, take a piece of ginger and sucking. It is effective home remedy for hiccup.
Prepare fresh ginger juice and drink, it prevents urological diseases.
Prepare ginger juice and lemon juice and mix it. Apply this mixture on face and wash after 20 min. your skin will become fair.
Ginger rich in vitamin B6, it is effective in the treatment of morning sickness.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and is a powerful natural painkiller. It Reduces Pain and Inflammation.
Ginger is an effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness.
Ginger may provide migraine relief due to its ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.
Ginger has long been used as a home remedy for colds and the flu.